RSVP is your answer
for responding to our community's invitation to care and contribute.
What is RSVP?
- A community of committed people who are choosing to respond to the needs of our county.
- One of the largest volunteer placement agencies in the country
- Experts who can guide you in making the best use of your talents
With RSVP’s expertise and guidance over 2000 people in Dane County are choosing to use their skills, stay engaged and give back to the children, families, and older people in our local world
RSVP has relationships with 90 non-profit groups in the area and runs many different programs here is just a small sampling of what they have available:
Always wanted to work with kids? They sponsor a variety of opportunities including:
- New program working with teens and computers!
- Foster Grandparents in the schools
- Tutoring and mentoring
- Virtual volunteering -be an email pen pal
How about working with adults? Again they have a wealth of opportunities just waiting for you.
- Literacy tutoring
- Environmental programs
- Habitat for Humanity
- Food shelters
- Folk art fairs
Maybe you think you would be most effective working with with older people- they can show you how.
- Drive someone to an appointment
- In home safety
- Senior Centers
- Nutrition Programs
- Deliver Meals
Are you a people person who likes to work in a group, have a craft ?
- Knitting circles
- Sewing circles
- Other crafts
They have long term, short term, and even one day projects to match your needs and time you want to devote to volunteering.
They offer insurance coverage for all volunteers and reimbursement for mileage.
So if you have always wanted to volunteer but not sure where or how--RSVP will translate your desire to contribute into effective action and offers opportunities for significant service and satisfaction.
How do they do it?
- Make an appointment and meet with Jan Karst for individualized volunteer placement which is similar to job placement
- She gathers information about your needs, interests, abilities talents and what you hope to achieve
- Choose a couple of opportunities to explore
- She will accompany you to the agency and introduce you to the people you are working with- you don't have to walk into the room alone!
- And if you have a special talent or interest she will work with the over 90 non-profit agencies and create a customized experience for you!
Research shows that those who give back and stay engaged and involved live happier longer lives. The best way to keep your brain cells growing is learning new things and taking on new experiences and challenges. Use your talents and skills. Make new friends while making a difference.
So another secret about volunteering is that it is as good for you as it is for the people you are helping.
So what are you waiting for?
Dane County is calling, call RSVP and find your way to respond!
For more information check out or call: 608.238.7787